Admitted Students


 Welcome to UCI Master of Engineering Program- Class of 2024!

ZOT! ZOT! ZOT! Welcome to the University of California Irvine, Master of Engineering program. Congratulations on your admission and taking the first steps on furthering your education and accelerating your career.

Please carefully review the information on this page and the Graduate Division Checklist linked below. Deadlines are quickly approaching, so do not delay in addressing action items. Be sure to mark your calendars and attend the virtual events listed below and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Our staff is here to answer your questions and offer advice. General questions can be sent to

Upcoming Events and Reminders: 

Admitted Students Welcome: March, 15th, 12:00pm PST(virtual): We will be hosting a Virtual Reception and Q&A Sessions with student affairs, faculty, concentration directors, current students, and other campus staff. RSVP by TBD to attend:

2023 Capstone Showcase: June TBD, (in person): We invite you to join our Master of Engineering students, faculty, and industry partners at the 2023 M.Eng Capstone Project Showcase. Featuring interdisciplinary teams of biomedical, electrical, and mechanical engineers, students will display their projects though presentations and demonstrations. 

 Summer Professional Development Sessions:  Please see below for a list of sessions and details.  

Fall Enrollment: The M.Eng program office will enroll you in your fall courses. On or before July 15th, the Roadmaps (list of courses) will be shared with all incoming students who have SIR’d and completed their deposit. You will email your enrollment selections to Jean Macneil ( by August 1st

New Student Orientation: September TBD. M.Eng Orientation is mandatory and is held in person on campus. Please review all emails for more information. More details will be sent closer to the event.


next Steps 

Notification of Admissions Decision: 

Admission notification is a two-step process. You will receive 1) a letter from the academic unit and 2) an e-mail notification from the Graduate Division. You must receive both notifications to be officially admitted to UC Irvine.

Action Items: 

Once you have received both communications, please take time to review the Graduate Division Pre-Arrival Checklists: We have highlighted below are some important action items:

  1. Complete Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) Online: When you are admitted, Graduate Division will send you a link to complete the SIR online. You must complete this process to indicate you are accepting your offer of admission to UCIrvine.
  2. Pay Deposit: Pay the $500 non-refundable deposit. When you matriculate, this amount will be directly credited towards you fall tuition and fees. If you elect to not enroll in the UCI M.Eng program, this amount is forfeited.
  3. Complete Statement of Legal Residence (SLR): You should complete the Statement of Legal Residence after completing the SIR. 
  4. Activate UCInetID: Activate your UCInetID for class registration, payment of bills, and much more! Review the Office of Information Technology’s Getting Started with Email for Students.
  5. Request Official Transcript with Bachelor’s Degree Posted to Clear Provisional Admission:  Send transcript as soon as your degree is awarded and posted on your transcript. The transcript should be sent to Graduate Division. Electronic transcripts may also be sent directly by the Registrar of your school to
    1. Pay Fees by September 15: Students can log in to their ZotBill account to see their balance and pay their fees. Learn about Graduate Student Health Insurance (GSHIP) and the requirements to waive it (if applicable).
    2. Vaccinations: Review university policy and upload required documentation. 
    3. Campus Wide Graduate Welcome & Orientation (Strongly Recommended): information coming 
    4. Master of Engineering New Student Orientation (Mandatory): September TBD. More information to come.

    International Students: 

    In addition to the above action items, please review and complete the below steps:

    • Become Familiar with the UCI International Center Services and Programs
    • Complete the I-20/DS-2019 Request for New Graduate Students Form
      • After receiving admission to UCI, complete the New Graduate Student Form and send to Do this immediately after you have completed your SIR and paid your deposit. Make sure this form is submitted no later than April 15, 2023.
    • Pay the SEVIS fee after you receive I-20 or DS-2019
      • The SEVIS fee is paid by F-1/J-1 students and scholars to cover the cost of operation of SEVIS and is paid directly to the U.S. government.
    • Schedule Your Visa Interview and Apply for a Visa

    Master of Engineering Events


    The Master of Engineering program hosts a mandatory program Orientation the week before classes start. This full day event will be held on campus. Student will have an opportunity to meet their cohort, professors, and program staff. M.Eng policies, roadmaps, and courses will be reviewed in addition to introductions to your Engineering Leadership & Entrepreneurship course and Capstone Projects.    

    Fall 2023 Master of Engineering Orientation will take place on September TBD, 2023 on the UCI Campus beginning at TBD. Details of the day will be shared closer to the event.

    Professional Development:

    Career readiness is a fundamental part of the UCI M.Eng program. As such, your career services begin Now! In preparation of your ProSeminar course, there will be three virtual summer sessions. Students must RSVP for each of the events to receive the link. See below for details.

    Please email Debbie Lewis at with any questions. If you cannot attend a session, please contact Debbie prior to the event to make arrangements. 

    Assess Your Strengths Assessment and Related Jobs

      • Virtual: July TBD 
      • RSVP: link to register (advance registration is required to receive assessment information)
      • Discover your greatest strengths through the Clifton Strengths assessment and join us to discuss the results!
        • To receive a prepaid access code, you will need to register for this event and have SIR’d and paid your admission deposit.
        • Assessment access code will be sent closer to this event in individual emails.

    Resumes and Interview Accomplishments

      • Virtual: August TBD
      • RSVP: link to register
      • Creating customized resumes and formulate your STAR story to help set you apart and get you noticed with prospective employers. 
        • Update yoru resume prior to this session. 


    2024-2025 Concentration Roadmaps: Con

    Concentration Roadmaps and course outlines (linked) are available for your review. You will need to use your UCINetID and password to access this information. Please note that they are subject to change.

    • An email with Fall 2024 enrollment details will be sent in early June. You will email Jean Macneil ( the following information for Fall 2024 enrollment by August 2. She will enroll you in Fall courses no later than September 2.
        • Full Name
        • Student ID (numerical)
        • Concentration (Adv. Mfg, BME, CEE, EECS, or MAE)
        • Concentration Course selection (if applicable)

    Contact Us